My notes on researching inflatable boats started in 2006-and continuing. This blog tracks my observations during my search for a dive inflatable. I also turned on AdSense for a trial period so there may be related advertising shown on my pages, we'll see how it goes and decide later to remove it or keep it. Go here to start at the beginning:

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Don't worry this is about how to choose an inflatable boat

This blog begins with how I got to the point of getting a new inflatable boat, outboard, and trailer.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Why I didn't ship my inflatable to Hawaii?

I shipped our SUV in March 2006 using Matson Lines for $950 USD. Dropped it off in Oakland, CA and it arrived in Honolulu at the end of 4 days! Amazing! Other people have warned it'll take 2-4 weeks to get my car back, but I didn't get that experience.

Aha! Quick quote shipping for a large bulky boat on a trailer with my 25HP outboard attached to the transom all under 800 lbs - I thought good idea?

Nope! Never did go thru the actual shipping but my attempt at getting a quotes gave me a cost of $4000. There was even a auto-surcharge of $950, which was for using their auto to pull my trailer and boat onto the ship and off. Might as well added a car or truck to be shipped too huh?


About Me

Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
I will try to document the facts accurately as I find them and welcome anyone to offer corrections by using the comments.