My notes on researching inflatable boats started in 2006-and continuing. This blog tracks my observations during my search for a dive inflatable. I also turned on AdSense for a trial period so there may be related advertising shown on my pages, we'll see how it goes and decide later to remove it or keep it. Go here to start at the beginning:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How much engine power do I need?

With my old Yukon Alaska Sport boat at 13ft-9inches and weighs 230lbs with floor, Yammie 25hp 2stroke weighs 105lbs, 6 gals of gas, 3 divers, 3 tanks, 3 weightbelts I have never opened the throttle more than half way on the Yammie 25hp 2 stroke.

Boat dealers are telling me that a 4stroke 15-20hp should work out fine for a 13-14ft inflatable.

What do you think?

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About Me

Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
I will try to document the facts accurately as I find them and welcome anyone to offer corrections by using the comments.