My notes on researching inflatable boats started in 2006-and continuing. This blog tracks my observations during my search for a dive inflatable. I also turned on AdSense for a trial period so there may be related advertising shown on my pages, we'll see how it goes and decide later to remove it or keep it. Go here to start at the beginning:

Saturday, April 27, 2013

My 14ft Yukon Sportboat purchased in 1988

This is my one and only inflatable boat that I use for Fishing outside the SF Golden Gate Bridge and Monterey local dive sites.

Still in good shape after all these years, got it in 1988.  Runs with a 25HP Yamaha. Still have the original wood floor.

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About Me

Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
I will try to document the facts accurately as I find them and welcome anyone to offer corrections by using the comments.